Monday, November 14, 2011


I'm feeling antsy. In fact, James and I both are feeling this way. We're antsy to get into the next phase of life. The thing is, we still have a good year and a half here in Mexico before that next phase of life presents itself.


How do we fully embrace and enjoy our time here in Mexico while we have it?

We're both pretty reasonable people. We're dreamers, but we're also realists. Is that an oxymoron? Oh well...

We know we need to live life to the fullest while we are here in this moment. We know that when we do make our transition back to the states that we will miss Mexico like crazy; that things won't be all rainbows and butterflies.

We know we'll have the challenge of finding jobs, a place to live, daycare.

And yet, I'm doing everything I can not to peruse Craigslist for rental listings in Maryland.

OK, that was a lie. I'm not really doing everything I can not to look at houses on Craigslist. In fact, I'm not fighting the urge one bit.

So, we know the realities of the situation and we know what we should do... but...

The dreamers in us can't help but dream. My mind can't help but daydream about experiencing seasons and living near family and getting coffee with my sister.

So... there you have it. I'm not going to end this post with a whole shpeal about how I will rise above these feelings and enjoy life right now, because that's just me saying what I think I should say.

I know it's what I need to aim for. It needs to be my goal and I need to try and figure out a way to make it happen, but as of right now, it's not happening.

There you have it. My and James' current state of feeling and what we know we should be feeling.

All I can do right now is commit to working towards this goal, this goal of living in the present, of embracing the good things in life now; counting my blessings.

Here it goes.

Annapolis, MD

1 comment:

  1. Just stumbled across your blog again. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I remember that feeling in Mexico - it would come and go often. And you are right, when you are on this side of it, you miss it. Not always, and certainly not everything about it...but many things. It is hard to live in the moment wherever you live and whatever life stage you are in. Sometimes the struggle is for the next stage and sometimes it is looking to the past and wanting to go back. Every once in awhile you capture the balance of just soaking up the present. I join you in hoping to do that today. Love you friend.
