Back to the grind...
Back into the swing of things...
Back to the routine...
You can say it any way you'd like, but it all means the same thing. Vacation is over and James and I are faced with the reality of jobs, Mexico City traffic, grading papers, parent teacher conferences, getting up before the sun rises.
It's always so hard to enter back into that "reality." I'm flooded with an array of feelings being back in the city.
I miss the calm of vacation, the closeness of family, the convenience of the United States.
I'm overwhelmed with another longer semester of school to teach ahead of me and the patience needed to tame my wild class of 3rd graders.
I'm saddened by no longer getting to spend the entire day with Isa.
There's always a but; and thank God for that.
I am thankful to be with my family of three in the comfort of our own home.
I am thankful for the sweet sound of Isa speaking Spanish after being away from it for 3 weeks.
I am blessed by the amount of history and diversity surrounding me in Mexico City.
And I am thankful for co-workers and friends I've missed who provide joy in my life.
I hope to get to a point this year where that second part becomes my first; where the but is not needed, but for right now in this moment it is needed.

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