There once was a boy with hair down to his shoulders and a lip ring who once set an accidental fire on a stage while in college.
There once was a boy who dressed up as a girl and pranced down "caf lane" (the main drag of our college campus) in an attempt to win the "Young Hall Beauty Pageant."
There once was a boy who ran for Student Body President because he believed he could make a change.
This same boy is now a man. He is a man who has since cut his hair, taken out his lip ring, and now wears jeans with button down shirts.
He is a man who asked me to marry him while sitting on a rock watching the sun set over the Pacific Ocean.
He is a man who told me in his vows on our wedding day that "in his lifelong quest to love others, I would always be his first other."
This man still desires to make a change in this world. His aspirations have expanded and his experiences have made him wiser.
He is my husband, my friend, and the father of our daughter.
Seeing this man's love for our little girl is beyond my wildest dreams.
He has grown my ability to love and has widened his own on our journey through parenthood.
I am thankful beyond words for this man.
Happy Father's Day.
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