Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Slow Down

Slow Down.

This is what my doctor told me yesterday.

I had called her because I was feeling sharp pains in my lower abdomen off and on all day. She said she was pretty sure they were preterm contractions. Since I've experienced contractions before and know what they feel like, I was almost certain she was right.

Contractions aren't supposed to happen at 14 weeks.

So, we made an action plan. She prescribed me some medication to take to ease the pain and stop the contractions but the main thing she told me was to rest. She gave me strict orders not to go to work for the next 2 days.

Preterm contractions can be brought on by a number of things, but the main thing is overdoing it. My doctor thinks this is most likely the culprit; and I can't deny it's probably true.

Being a 3rd grade teacher requires at least some overdoing it everyday, whether that's by breaking into song during a lesson or becoming highly animated. I'm constantly kneeling down, standing back up, sitting on the carpet, walking from table to table. Elementary School isn't about standing in the front of the room lecturing or sitting at your desk. It's about movement.

Taking care of a toddler also requires movement. Isa goes a mile a minute now days and James and I are constantly having to chase her around the house. This, plus her growing toddler body to pick up can be tiring.

So, how exactly do I slow down? I know this baby I'm growing inside of me is more important than my job. It's more important than my students, and I know I can cut down the amount of movement I have in the class, but it's hard.

Working full time and being a mother is hard stuff. Add pregnancy to it and it becomes an even greater challenge. I so wish I could find some time in my day to rest, but with work, then coming home to cook, take care of Isa and do some more work once she's in bed, it's near impossible.

My wonderful husband has began to make it a point to let (or should I say make) me rest. He will take Isa and the dog for a walk and I will try and get in a quick nap. This whole parenting this for him and I has always been a 50/50 job. I'm forever thankful that I'm not going at this alone.

I'm not quite sure how to go about this slowing down business, but I am making it my mission to make it happen. This baby inside of me requires sacrifices even before it comes out and as a parent it is my job to make them.

So here I go trying to figure this out.

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