Saturday, February 11, 2012


Isa is a talker. There is no denying that. So far her vocabulary (what I can understand, at least) consists of the following:

Mio- (mine in Spanish) Always a toddler favorite

Mas- (again, Spanish) Means More

Cookie- Basically said for any food item she wants; the other day it was snap peas... fine by me if she thinks snap peas are "cookies."

Lila- Our dog, and one of the most frequently used words in her limited vocabulary; always said with gusto.

Mama, Dada- Self-explanatory

Baba- This word has 2 meanings, the first being her bottle; the second being her lady parts... not sure how the second came about.

Chupon- Spanish for pacifier

Li- AKA her cousin, Eli

Si- Spanish for yes

No- Of course she knows this one

Hola and Bye



Shake Shake- This word is always said twice. It's in one of her favorite Sesame Street videos

There's more, but this is the majority. It seems as though that as of right now, Isa chooses to speak more Spanish than English, although I'm always impressed with the amount of things she understands in both languages.

It's cool to see that we are raising a truly bilingual child and to see it start so early.

My little genius in the making.

Here she is reading a book while daddy reads his. For some reason she decided she wanted to be in her car seat in the garage while doing this.

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